The tough economic climate of 2012 has impacted most small businesses, including my own. When people struggle to pay for their basic survival needs, counselling becomes a luxury that they can’t afford. Yet the mental and emotional stress caused by economic struggle creates a need for counselling. The solution? Free counselling.
When individuals take care of their mental and emotional health, the whole community benefits. People who are taking care of themselves are more likely to find creative solutions for problems. They are also more capable of working collaboratively to innovate ways of functioning better as a society. When those things happen, the economic health of the community is likely to improve.
So, as my personal contribution toward stimulating the economy, I am offering free counselling to new clients on Fridays through the remainder of 2012. The theory? Ripple effect. If I am able to provide a service that helps people to function better in their lives, then they will be more creative, collaborative, and able to do good work in the community that will ultimately benefit us all.